Concrete Circularity
The Problem
Concrete is the most widely used construction material on the planet, representing nearly half of all materials used and circularity in these materials is essential for a sustainable future. The construction of concrete account for about 8% of global carbon emissions, and as the world’s population continues to grow, so does the demand for this vital material.
The UK Government has a legal commitment to be carbon neutral by 2050 and is committed to promoting the circular economy, reuse of materials, low carbon technology and carbon capture. Demolition waste makes up 62% of the total waste in the UK and ‘recycles’ 70 million tonnes per annum of aggregates but most of these go into low value fill applications. This is something Xeroc feels passionate about reducing.
The current linear economy is not suitable. Representing nearly half of all materials used, building materials must become circular for a sustainable future.

Where We Fit

Born into a world of crisis, Xeroc exists to make a difference by delivering low carbon, circular economy into a carbon intensive industry. We recycle waste concrete into new concrete. Xeroc can help you increase your circularity and lower your carbon footprint.
Current practice downcycles waste concrete into fill material, emitting large quantities of CO2 in the process. Our process allows waste concrete to be crushed into its original components, separating the aggregates from the cementicious material.
Our team draws on decades of experience in building materials, recycling, emissions processing, sustainability and engineering – We know what works and why it’s important to you. We are not afraid to challenge norms.